Request an Eating Concerns Mentor

Eating Concerns & Disorders

Eating Concerns Mentors (ECMs) are trained UNH students who can provide you with confidential, individual support and information about body image, eating concerns, and eating disorders. 

You may want to request an ECM if you are:

  • Obsessed with food and working out
  • Struggling with your body image
  • Concerned about yourself or a friend with eating concerns

Note: ECMs are not a replacement for professional help (i.e., nutritionist, counselor, medical provider, etc.). ECMs provide support in addition to professional care. Eating Concerns Mentors are only available during the academic year.

Are you looking to apply to become an Eating Concerns Mentor?
Visit our application page.


Frequently Asked Questions

What do ECMs believe?

  • A person’s size does not determine their health
  • Limited representation of different body types in the media impacts the body image of many individuals, which in turn may impact eating behaviors
  • No food is “good” or “bad”
  • Dieting does not work
  • An eating disorder can happen to anyone
  • There is no one universal cause of an eating disorder
  • Eating disorders are not about food
  • Talking to someone about their eating concern can make a difference in their life

Who Benefits from Connecting with an ECM?

If you are a UNH student working toward recovery from an eating concern, struggling to prevent relapse from an eating concern or are questioning whether you have an eating concern then this program may be helpful. The program is also for students concerned about a friend or family member with these issues.

When are mentors available?

ECM mentors are available during the academic year when classes are in session. They arrange contact with you based on both of your individual schedules.

How long does it take to get a response?

A mentor will reach out to you within 48-72 hours. If you have difficulty with the request form, or if you are not contacted within 72 hours, please call (603) 862-3823.

What kind of support and help can I expect?

During your first phone call with your mentor, you will work together to determine your next steps. Contact may be via email, phone, or in person.

Is confidentiality respected?

Mentors respect confidentiality unless you disclose that you may harm yourself or someone else.

Connect with an Eating Concerns Mentor (ECM)

PLEASE NOTE: Applications will be closed over the summer and over winter break.

Please fill out the following questionnaire if you would like to be connected with an Eating Concerns Mentor (ECM). ECMs are only available to UNH students. If you have any questions, please call (603) 862-3823.

Next Steps

A mentor will reach out to you within 48-72 hours. If you have difficulty with this form, or are not contacted within 72 hours, please call (603) 862-3823 or email or

Note:  ECMs are only available during the academic year when classes are in session.  

What do you like to do in your free time? This information will be used to connect you with a mentor.
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